
Interdependence within Ecosystems, Biomes and Environment by srija

The biomes What are biomes? Biomes are regions of the world with similar climate (weather, temperature) animals and plants. How many biomes are there? There is really no completely right answer to this question. Some people say there are only 7 major types of biomes: Tundra deciduous forests deserts aqua tropical rainforests grasslands coniferous Interdependence within ecosystems, biomes and environment: The Web of Life An ecosystem is made up of all the living animals and plants and the non-living matter in a particular place, like a forest or lake. All the living things in an ecosystem depend on all the other things - living and non-living for continued survival - for food supplies and other needs. In some ways, the actions and reaction that take place within an ecosystem are like a spider web - when one strand is broken, the web starts to unravel. What affects one part of an ecosystem, affects the whole in some way. The idea of the web o...